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ecoYeshwe :: the blood of eARTh is for all ::

ecoYeshwe :: the blood of eARTh is for all ::

SKU: 364115376135191

 eARTh's Prosperity Web 


As we heal ourselves we heal the eARTh.

As we heal the eARTh we heal ourselves.


A system to turn our personal thriving into an offering to eARTh.


Our ancestors knew the key of an holistic abundant thriving life lays in reciprocity, in the fluid equilibrium of give and receive. We have received SO much from mother eARTh and how rarely do we really give. How numb we have become to the violent ways our industrious culture has been treating her children and resources used for our confort. 

May all beings be free to live in peace and dignity. Our apreciation web is a reminder of our interconectivity, and our responsability to look beyond our own territory and make sure that the resources we have are reaching those in need. We are all co creators of this dream, and there is no true happyness until the goal of mutual respect between all kingdoms of nature is achieved. This is where we place our offerings, in the altar of the Orisas, the Forces of Nature, in the embodied care of the children of matter, Mother, Ether; Air, Fire, Water, eARTh. 


Money is a consciouss energy, called AJE in the Yoruba spiritual system. It has a divine purpose to fulfill, which is to interconnect us and balance eARThs resources to flow in acordance with their true needs. As a Ifa initiate and daughter of Aje, my name Iya Oriola means the Mother of the Crown of Prosperity. In my study of Self I have come to understand that prosperity is soul family service, and this web of apreciation is a tecnology to ground the spiritual law of oneness. 


Supporting the rebirth of eARTh nature's sanctuaries, where reforestation poles and sustainable, permaculture principles allow the organic healing to the lives exposed to the ignorance of our patriarchal society such as the waters, the animals, women, children,  forests and all nature spirits. 


1/6 of the profit made with every investment in your soul journey on escola da terra is gifted to 6 soul world sanctuaryes and educational initiatives.

6 world wide wide projects that need to be supported by our collective apreciation, for mantaining a pulsating source of love into the needed aspects of our world. 


1. Tribo Bahia Capoeira - empowering afro descendant community and teenagers in São Paulo, Bahia and Africa 

2. Shanenawas Brazilian Indigenous Young leaders from Acre - BR

 keepers of eARTh's forest and medicine

3. Sehlenhof - Sanctuary for Abandoned Horses in Zweibrucken - Germany

4. Buffalas de Brotas - sanctuary for more than 1000 abandoned buffaloes BR

5. Ashe egbe - Wild Life Itupararanga Sanctuary - transitioning to a self sustainable clean energy space  

6. eARThs Caravan - ECOmmunity natural educational experiences 


On the beehive image you can click on the pictures and they will take you to the instagram and webpages of this project so that you can directly get closer. If you feel inspired you can directly send a gift to these pillars through their platforms or through this website. A 111 reais gift will be split equally to all projects.



Patriarchal ownership over matter mindset
based on the materialistic believe in scarcity
rooted in the denial of the Spirit of eARTh


Ancient Sacred union mindset made practicle
based on the Yoruba energetic understanding
"if your life gets better my life gets better"


As we open to heal from spiritual, sexual, creative repression, we release the cultural fear that makes us live to acomulate numbers, an idea of future security, and rmeet our abundance within, the joy of our generosity to co create a world of peace and harmony, giving our extra financial resources so they can perform their work and nourish life in the present. Our only true security is within a present of unity. To consciously use our sexual, creative energy, to nourish seeds of unconditional love for a new humanity, integrated in our collective purpose of being stewards of other species, learning from those who remember the ancient ways to wak with firce and grace. 


We are the ancestors of the future.

It is really up to us to organize ourselves as diversity, as a global comunity to exchange what we have extra to support each other truly. For the europeans inheritors of a society based on colonization and bloos, to have an opportunity to make amendments for how we are unconsciously investingour finances and attention on the short or long therm addictive, destroying, killing and silently abusing eARThs soul world. 

No outer authority  will bring us solution to the current world crisis, indigenous tribes are still under atack, women are still being burn by the judgments we have on the creative power of womb, animals are still being tortured to feed a society that is hungry for soul but has forgotten its own.  Forgotten we are all made of energy, there is no way to violate law and enjoy life. No way to rob a people of knowing and practicing their original culture and be healthy in mind. 

We can only give one little, or big, step at a time. 


In giving back to the sacred through this platform you are ritualizing your choice to come in to a higher alignment with eARThs abundance in all levels. It is here to ignite and inspire you to take this initiative by looking at your own community and look at how you can use the power of money to restore a healthy, healing connection to humanity. Not only what is close to us phisically but supporting our own ancestry is a spiritual tecnology to nourish the healing of our lineage. 


If you would like support to ignite your own eARTh prosperity web for your soul family,  we have mentoring programs to assist you with it. 


Thank you for your atention, for believing and living eARThs dream!


Asé ooo



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