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escola da terra

A learning community

of artists, mystics, healers, lovers, 

gathering to listen and co create with nature's intelligence. A nomadic field moved by synchronicity, restoring our ancestral spiritual technologies. Witnessing the emergence of a culture based on earth's true abundance.


the school of eARTh

is the temple that opens

whenever you are in wonder,

in absolute presence

to your unique nature


wherever you

enter your garden of delights

re-source from the Great Mother within

and nourish the ceremony of life

English: Quote
English: Pro Gallery
English: Contact

©2021 by | escola da Terra.
aShe egbé

Iya Oriola

contact: + 55 11 98383 9485 -
Paola Thieme Tripoli - CPF 410.022.218.11 - Rua Napoli, Ibiúna São Paulo Brasil - CEP: 18150-000

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