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 becoming your own medicine 

Soul World Nourishment


self realization through super natural tantric living

food alchemy

feeding our light bodies

investing in our souls holistic development

high vibrational, organic and delicious

colors, nutrients, flavors and prayers, 


In ancient Yorubá culture

food and dance are the pillars

 of the temple of Love 


the realm of plants (Osayin)  and of erotic energy (Esú) are the invisible forces of eletro-magnetism which carry life force information and connect our minds, through our cells, to the One Divine Mind. 







temple dance 

Yin corpo oração

soul embodiment


restoring our sacred serpentine nature

transmuting blocked psychic energy

through regenerative erotic dance

building soul flexibility and creative potency


"If thine eye be single, thy body will be full of light

"feminine christ consciousness activation

©2021 by | escola da Terra.
aShe egbé

Iya Oriola

contact: + 55 11 98383 9485 -
Paola Thieme Tripoli - CPF 410.022.218.11 - Rua Napoli, Ibiúna São Paulo Brasil - CEP: 18150-000

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